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Acorn ParkAndrew’s Furlong, Mill Road,Norwich, Norfolk, NR16 2HU
[email protected]
Age ranges
Primary (2-9)Secondary (9-16)Further (16+)
School types
Full boardFlexible boardFortnightlyWeeklyDailyRespite
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesFostering
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Birtenshaw Hall (Children's Charitable Trust)Darwen Road, Bromley Cross,Bolton, Lancashire, BL7 9AB
01204 304230
01204 597995
Full boardFlexible boardWeeklyDaily
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeNeurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain InjuryPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Bridge CollegeOpenshaw Campus, Whitworth Street, Manchester, M11 2GR
0161 4874293
0161 4874294
Further (16+)
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesPhysical ImpairmentPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Broomfield South SILCBroom Place,Leeds, LS10 3JP
0113 2771603
0113 2771622
(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Cambian Dilston CollegeDilston Hall,Corbridge, Northumberland, NE45 5RJ
0800 288 9779
Full boardDaily
Chailey Heritage SchoolHaywards Heath Road, North Chailey,Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 4EF
01825 724444
Full boardFortnightlyWeeklyRespite
Speech / Language / Communication DifficultiesVisually ImpairedHearing ImpairedNeurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain Injury(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesDown's Syndrome / Williams Syndrome / Fragile XCerebral PalsyEpilepsyComplex health needsArtificially-ventilated breathing and/or tracheostomy
Craig-y-Parc SchoolPentyrch, Cardiff, CF15 9NB
029 20890397
029 20891404
(SLD) Severe Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Crookhey Hall SchoolGarstang Road, Cockerham, Lancashire, LA2 0HA
01524 792 618
Secondary (9-16)Further (16+)
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and DisordersVisually Impaired(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)Dyspraxia(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesSexual / Emotional / Physical AbuseADHDEpilepsyTourette’s Syndrome
David Lewis School, TheMill Lane, Warford,Nr. Alderly Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7UD
01565 640066
01565 640166
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeNeurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain Injury(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Edgewood SchoolLingswood Park, Northamptonshire, NN3 8TA
01604 931497
Primary (2-9)Secondary (9-16)
Full boardFlexible boardFortnightlyWeeklyDaily
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)DyspraxiaNeurological Disfunction and Disorder / Brain Injury(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesDown's Syndrome / Williams Syndrome / Fragile XCerebral PalsyADHDEpilepsyRett syndrome
Green Meadows SchoolBradford Road,Guiseley, LS20 8PP
01943 878536
Hillingdon Manor SchoolThe Manor and The Lawns, Harlington Road,Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB8 3HD
01895 813679
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication Difficulties(SpLD) Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesComplex health needs
Holly Bank SchoolFar Common Road, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, Wf14 0DQ
01924 490833
01924 491464
Secondary (9-16)
Flexible board
(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Hurworth House School – Priory Education Services
Behavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and Disorders(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
InFocus CollegeTopsham Road, Countess Wear,Exeter, Devon, EX2 6HA
01392 454200
Full boardFlexible boardDailyRespite
Autism / Asperger’s SyndromeSpeech / Language / Communication DifficultiesBehavioural / Emotional / Social Difficulties and DisordersVisually Impaired(SLD) Severe Learning Difficulties(MLD) Moderate Learning DifficultiesPhysical Impairment(PMLD)Profound and Multiple Learning DifficultiesCerebral PalsyEpilepsyTourette’s SyndromeComplex health needs
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