Kisimul School
Special needs catered for
Kisimul School is one of the UK’s leading independent residential schools, offering a homely and safe environment for children who have severe learning difficulties, challenging behaviour, autism and global development delay.
Specialist facilities
Kisimul School offers residential education, care and leisure programmes at both our Upper and Lower School, for up to 52 weeks of the year. The school is registered with the Department for Children, Schools and Families and Ofsted. Limited day placements are also offered at both the Upper and Lower School.
Kisimul School provides a highly structured school curriculum to address very specific needs of its pupils. Classes are small and staffed at a ratio of at least 1:1. The integrated developmental curriculum incorporates the National Curriculum (Lower School) or Adult Pre-Entry Curriculum Framework (Post -16) and a range of therapeutic services are available to meet the diverse needs of the pupils. Our Psychology and Therapies team consists of Psychology, Speech & Language therapy, Music therapy, Aromatherapy and Occupational Therapy.
A key priority is to develop pupils’ communication skills and since many are non-verbal, a range of augmentative and alternative communication systems are used e.g. Makaton signing, PECS and high tech devices.
Support services provided
Kisimul School was founded in 1977 in a comfortable Georgian house (known today as the Old Vicarage) set in four acres within the small Lincolnshire village of Swinderby. Facilities at the Old Vicarage include an indoor heated swimming pool, large playground, soft play areas with ball pool and multi-sensory rooms for relaxation and stimulation. In 2003, the Upper School, Acacia Hall opened, offering the same standard of exceptional care and education within grounds adapted and utilised in a way to reflect the older age group. Acacia Hall is situated within the village location of Friesthorpe, a few miles outside the Lincolnshire town of Market Rasen. Acacia Hall offers riding stables, an adventure playground, collection of small farm animals and an area dedicated to horticulture.
Home school links
Kisimul School encourages parents to maintain contact with their child by visits, telephone or post, and welcomes visits to the school. Parents are encouraged to attend reviews concerning their child and invited to take an active part in fund raising events for the school. Newsletters are also sent out each term advising parents of important forthcoming diary events and news from the school.
Aims and philosophy
Every child is entitled to develop in an environment which is conducive to learning. The environment should reflect the Every Child Matters outcomes of being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. Pupils should feel secure, enjoy learning and be rewarded for effort. Kisimul School provides the tools for pupils to manage and control their own life-style and behaviour. Kisimul School’s mission is to continuously strive for excellence in the care and education of its pupils, with a vision to have the best assisted living environment. Kisimul School provides a caring and homely environment at all times, where pupils can grow and develop their skills, individuality and independence to carry them through to adulthood. The School works closely with the parents, carers and professionals from its placing authorities to ensure that the highest possible standards of care and education are achieved.